Friday, February 1, 2019 is a PD Day for secondary students

Friday, February 1, 2019 is a professional development (PD) day for all secondary school staff. Secondary students will not attend school. The PD Day will be dedicated to school improvement planning and advancing student achievement. Staff will participate in a full-day activity reflecting our Strategic Plan and Operational Goals for student achievement and well-being. Paraprofessional staff (EAs/CYWs) will […]

Inclement weather decisions during exams

Inclement weather can happen at any time, including during exams. We want students and families to know what to expect if weather disrupts the January 25-31 exam schedule. If any WRDSB school bus is cancelled due to weather in any area of the region, ALL exams will move forward by one day. If a severe […]

January Exam Bus Information

During exams, ECI School Special will be following a different schedule.

Click HERE for Exam Busing Schedule.

Read more about January Exam Bus Information »

Educational Assistant and Child & Youth Worker Appreciation Day

Today marks the second annual Educational Assistant and Child & Youth Worker Appreciation Day at the Waterloo Region District School Board. Educational Assistants (EA) help to deliver educational programs in our schools, while Child Youth Workers (CYW) are mental health professionals who work with troubled children who face a variety of emotional, behavioural or physical […]

Announcing the Caregivers’ Guide to Accessing Support for Students with Anxiety

For students, anxiety can range from nervousness before a test, to significant struggles in academic, social, emotional, or day-to-day functioning. When families and schools work together to address the physical symptoms, worrying thoughts and avoidance associated with anxiety, we can teach students to face challenging and sometimes fearful situations with success and confidence. The Caregivers’ […]

Smart Waterloo Region Youth Forum

An exciting youth-focused event is coming up, and Smart Waterloo Region needs your help to make it a success. On January 12th the Smart Waterloo Region team will host a Youth Forum at RIM Park. Co-created with the Smart Cities Innovation Council: Youth Unite Here (SCIC YUH) – a group of local youth representatives, the forum will be […]

Holiday greetings from the WRDSB

As we look back at the incredible year we have shared, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the remarkable contributions of every staff member, the accomplishments of our 64,000 students, their families and our community of Waterloo region. I hope that 2019 will be a year filled with energy and enthusiasm as […]

ECI Music Dept – National Finalists in Canadian Music Class Challenge!

Bravo to the Song Writing and Recording class – National Finalists! Eastwood has cracked the top 10 in the country in their category for our cover of “What I Wouldn’t Do”. Dec 18th the winners will be chosen. The Canadian Music Class Challenge is CBC Music’s salute to music education in this country. In association […]

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

Today, December 6, is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. To mark the day, flags at our buildings will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset. On the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, we remember the 14 female engineering students who were murdered at l’École […]

Nominations for the Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence are now open

Do you want to recognize a teacher or educator for their commitment to education and dedication to students? Now is your chance; nominations for the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence are now open. You can nominate a teacher or educator in three categories: The Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence honours outstanding and innovative […]

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