Welcome to Eastwood Guidance!

For more detailed information about our department, refer to the left sidebar. You will find helpful content regarding our course calendar, diploma requirements, post-secondary options, and much more.

Want to make changes to your timetable for 24-25?

  • Students will be allowed to sign up for voluntary timetable changes on September 5th
  • Counselors will begin to see students for these changes starting September 9th, 2024.
  • Counselors will be busy with new student registrations and many other duties during the first week of school – WE WILL NOT MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR TIMETABLE UNTIL THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9, 2024!

NOTE:  Students who failed a course in 23-24, or who failed a Summer School course, and need their timetable changed, will be contacted in late August or during the first week of school.


Guidance Counsellor Assignments

(by first initial of last name)

Eastwood general phone number:  519-743-8265

Name and Email Extension Caseload by Student Surname

Katrina Cove-Shannon – Guidance Head


5525 A, B, C, D

Laura Paling – Counsellor


5526 E, F, G and I, J, K, L, M

Holly Linkert – Counsellor


5527 H and N, O, P, Q, R, S

Matthew Drysdale – Counsellor


5529 T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Bobbi-Jo Gourley – Guidance Assistant



Contact for:




ECI Guidance Services

  • Planning your path through high school and beyond
  • Post-secondary workshops and Career Counselling
  • Homework collection for students when ill
  • Organize case conferences for parents and teachers
  • Referrals to appropriate agencies when necessary
  • Gay Straight alliance liaison and support
  • Needs Assessment Program support
  • College/University/Apprenticeship planning
  • Scholarship and bursary information sharing
  • And more!

Have a question you don’t know who to ask?  Come to Guidance and we will help you find an answer!


Need to see someone at OK2BEME? Here is how to connect with them:

  1.  Fill out the online intake form.  Here is the link:  http://ok2bme.ca/services/intake/
  2.  Call 519-884-0000 and ask for Intake.

If you want additional information about OK2BE, please visit their website:  http://ok2bme.ca or email Washington Silk at  wsilk@kwcounselling.com