HeadCode of Ethics and Participation

Students in the Waterloo Region Integrated Arts Program are expected to adhere to the code of ethics outlined in the “Code of Conduct and Code of Participation”.

Parents should be familiar with these documents from auditions. Each year at the IAP student assembly in September, we ask students to review these expectations and to sign that they understand and will comply with them.

The Code of Ethics (COE) is a set of principles to which you must adhere throughout your WRIAP school years. The Code is considered so important that it requires a signature from parents/guardians as well as the student, and is part of the deliberation process for advancing within the program as well as attaining an Integrated Arts Endorsement Certificate.


  1. Waterloo Region Integrated Arts Program (WRIAP) students are privileged to represent E.C.I. and should conduct themselves as suitable ambassadors for our school at all times. All students are responsible to the Principal for their conduct at any school – related event.
  2. WRIAP students are expected to be conscientious, exemplary citizens of the school.
  3. WRIAP students will display respect and integrity at all times when dealing with fellow students, teachers, paraprofessionals and audiences.
  4. Strict adherence to rules while on buses or visiting other schools or performing at locations outside of Eastwood CI is expected.
  5. Consumption of drugs or alcohol is forbidden at all times on any school premises or at any school – sponsored event.
  6. As paraprofessionals, guest artists, field trips and workshops are an integral part of the WRIAP, it is imperative that students display respect and enthusiasm, and give them their undivided attention.


  1. All students in the WRIAP are recommended to be involved in an extra-curricular group/activity in one of their major arts areas throughout the entire year.  We strongly value the community connections, networking, and portfolio building that results from participating in extra-curricular activities and would enthusiastically recommend that students join us and participate in the groups. 
  2. Once a commitment to an extra-curricular group/activity has been made, a student must follow through with that commitment. It is unfair to fellow students and teachers to leave a group/ensemble in mid-production/rehearsal. Exceptions may be made but need to be worked out well in advance with staff.
  3.  Any absences by the student must be discussed with the teacher beforehand and an IAP Absence form must be completed, and submitted prior to the absence. Only valid reasons will be accepted (invalid reasons include: catching up on homework, car-pooling, ‘social’ issues, appointments, work etc.) This form is available on the website and will be posted in various locations within the school.
  4. In order to switch extra-curriculars for one season, a completed IAP Exemption form must be completed two weeks ahead of time. You may not opt out of auditioned groups. This form is available on the website and will be posted in various locations within the school.
  5.  All students will be given a photo ID card, but must purchase a Student Fee to particpate in school events/clubs/sports etc. If you are in need of finanicial assistance, please contact your guidance counsellor.
  6.  In order to perform in a specific production, students must be in attendance at school that day, unless the teacher in charge/director has been forewarned of a valid reason, e.g. doctor’s appointment.
  7.  Students must participate fully in all classes on days of evening performances and rehearsals.
  8. It is the responsibility of WRIAP students to maintain good relations with teachers in all courses. When school work will be missed due to field trips, performances, or other such arts commitments, teachers must be notified in advance.

Print a copy of the Code of Ethics and Participation

