Hey Grade 9s. Welcome to Eastwood! Please come on Monday 31st, between 11 pm and 2 pm to pick up your Chromebook and login instructions so you will be all ready to go with your technology on the first day of school.

Chromebooks are available for all grade 9 students associated with our school – including Cohort C students (That means students who selected the Distance Program as their option of Quadmester 1) as well as students who are attending Eastwood in person.

Please follow these instructions:

Drive Up:
We prefer use a “drive through” drop-off method. Drive up to the Receiving Door located in the very corner of the Staff Parking Lot off Clifford Street. It looks like an open garage door. Give your name and last three digits of your student number (if you know it) to the person who greets you, and pop your trunk. We will get your Chromebook and some accompanying forms and instructions and place them in your trunk. Then you drive away!

Walk up:
You can also walk up to the Receiving Door. Please wear a face covering and if there is a line up, maintain social distance. You give us your name and last three digits of your student number and we will place your Chromebook and paperwork on the ground. We back off, you collect your stuff. We ask that walkers leave the property immediately after collecting your Chromebook. This is sadly not an opportunity to socialize.

What if I can’t come on Monday?
If you can’t come on Monday between 11 am and 2 pm, you will collect your Chromebook from your first period class on your first day of school (which will vary depending on your cohort).