Grades 9 & 10 are not officially part of the SHSM, but serve as years of exploration in order to determine the focus of the senior years in the SHSM.
Year One: Awarness and Exploration
The emphasis during this year should be placed on student exploration. ALC 1OI (Arts & Technology) in grade 9 is strongly recommended. It is a course that integrates several areas of the arts with technology to focus on the “arts in the digital age.” Areas of focus will include film/communications technology, graphic and visual arts, digital music and recording. Exploration allows students to develop experience, skills, and knowledge in order to make the most of what the SHSM has to offer. Students are encouraged to take more than one course within the areas of major study in order to make the most appropriate choice for an area of focus. Students in grade 9 will also take the compulsory courses in math, science, french, geography, physical education and English.
Year Two: Exploration.
The second year of the program is designed to allow students to acquire the skills necessary for specialization in the senior years. ASM 2OI (Media Arts) acts as a bridge between ALC1OI and the student’s grade 11 SHSM courses. Students will continue to take the compulsary courses in math, science, history, careers/civics, and English. Students are continued to be encouraged to take courses in different arts subjects to gain a diversity of experiences prior to the declaration of an area of focus. It is at the end of grade 10 during course selection that students will apply to be part of the SHSM.
Year Three: Specialization.
The third year is where students in the SHSM declare an area of focus. It is recommended that students fulfull the required business credit with the grade 11 Entrepreneur course. Also, the compulsary 2 credits in co-op may be started/completed in grade 11. Students will also continue to take the necessary credits for successful completion of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The English, business, geography and history courses will contain within them a contextualized unit specific to the SHSM students.
Year Four: Specialization.
Students, in consultation with their guidance counselors, are encouraged to select the appropriate course types that best link to their post secondary destination and focus. The diversity of areas of study in the arts results in multiple options for course selection. For example, a student working toward the study of architecture at the university level is required to take grades 11 and 12 mathematics; whereas a student majoring in dance may benefit from taking grade 12 physical education. The compulsary 2 credits in co-op may be started/completed in grade 12. Students will also continue to take the necessary credits for successful completion of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The English, business, geography and history courses will contain within them a contextualized unit specific to the SHSM students.