Student Drop-Off and Parking

All students arriving by car must enter the parking lot from Montgomery Street (near the portables).  Students will either park or be dropped-off in this lot.  After drop-off, traffic flow is one-way behind the school, exiting to Jackson street.  The Jackson Street parking lot is reserved for staff parking and students are not to be dropped off in this area.



Students who walk or take the bus and must cross Weber Street should use the intersection traffic lights or the crosswalk in front of the school.



No smoking or vaping on school property; it’s the law.  Failure to adhere to this law may result in a suspension and/or a fine issued by the Waterloo Region By-Law Officer.


Loitering in Stairwells and Hallways

Students may not sit, eat lunch or congregate in any stairwell in the school, at any time. If you have permission to use the washroom, please do so in a timely manner without detours.


Visitors to the School

No visitors are allowed in the building at this time.  Please contact the appropriate staff member to make arrangements for a Google meet or phone conference.

Social visits by students from other schools are NOT permitted. This includes visitors who arrive by car and wish to socialize in the parking lot.


Anaphylaxis and Medical Issues

Many students have life threatening allergies to food (e.g. nuts) or other substances (e.g. latex).  For this reason, we do not permit the use of latex gloves or balloons at school.


Plan of Care (POC)

If your Plan of Care (POC) indicates that you are required to carry an EpiPen/Inhaler with you, please always make sure that you have it with you at all times.


Keep Your Belongings Safe

  • Whenever possible, leave your valuable items at home.
  • Never leave your personal items unattended.
  • You will NOT be assigned a locker for this school year.
  • ECI is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Bike Rack

If you choose to ride your bike to school, a bike rack has been provided for your convenience.  Please be aware that ECI is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes.