School begins again tomorrow, Monday Jan 4. Welcome back! 
You likely heard on the news and from the Board that we will be attending school virtually through Jan 23 and are probably wondering how it’s going to work. Here’s what you need to know to get started on Monday:
  • There is a staff meeting at 8:30am.
  • You can expect to meet virtually with your teacher at some point Monday Morning after the staff meeting. Please pay attention to your email, your phone and your google classroom to make sure you know when to attend that meeting.
  • Your teacher will review how your specific class will be working through January, including what time you need to log on to your daily Google Meets, and they will answer any questions you have.
Three other things you should know:
  • Your daily class schedule remains the same. When you are scheduled in class 3, meet with your class 3 teacher and when you are in class 4, meet with your class 4 teacher. Both Cohorts A and B will be learning together at the same time. You are still taking one course at a time, following the class calendar.
  • All students are expected to attend your scheduled Google Meets every day for lessons.
  • Your work and marks from the month of January WILL COUNT towards your final mark just like normal.
If you have any questions, your teacher will be able to answer them tomorrow (Monday) during your virtual class meeting.